How these Jedi, Sith survived the clones’ betrayal

Clone Protocol 66, or Order 66, was an order programmed into the clone troopers who made up the majority of the Grand Army of the Republic which identified all members of the Jedi Order as traitors to the Republic and sentenced them to execution.
The execution of the order, also known as the Great Jedi Purge, wiped out the majority of the Jedi and after the order the Jedi were hunted by the Galactic Empire under the command of Emperor Sheev Palptaine, who is the Sith Lord Darth Sidious.
However, multiple Jedi or Force users were able to survive the Purge. Here is a list of the characters who survived or have not yet been confirmed to have been executed according to “Star Wars” canon.
Spoilers ahead for multiple different works a part of the “Star Wars” canon, including the live-action films, animated series “The Clone Wars” and “Rebels” and the canon video game “Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order.”
Presumed/Unconfirmed Survivors
Quinlan Vos
Jedi Master Quinlan Vos was presumed to be alive after the Purge and was a priority target for the Inquisitors. It has not been shown what happened to him yet.
Eno Cordova
Jedi Master Eno Cordova was once Cere Junda’s master. It is currently unknown if he lived after Order 66, and it is unknown when he dies, as his first appearance in the video game “Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order” doesn’t indicate what actually happened to him, though he is presumed to be dead.
Confirmed Survivors
It is currently unknown exactly how Grogu survived Order 66, but Ahsoka Tano confirmed that he was taken and hidden from the Empire by someone.
The Inquisitors

Many of the Inquisitors were Jedi or Padawans who survived Order 66 but were captured and then tortured and until they were under the control of the Empire to become Jedi hunters. Some members of the Inquisitorius include:
First appearing in“Star Wars: Rebels,” The Grand Inquisitor served as a member of the Jedi Order, he was formerly a Jedi Temple Guard. He was one of the guards seen at Ahsoka Tano’s trial before Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine. The trial, in which Tano was framed, led to the future Grand Inquisitor losing faith in the Jedi. Palpatine then turned him to the dark side, and he later became the leader of the Inquisitors.
The Second Sister, Trilla Suduri, trained as a Jedi during the Clone Wars under Jedi Knight Cere Junda. She and Junda managed to hide during Order 66, but Junda was later captured and then tortured into giving up Suduri’s location. Suduri was turned to the dark side and became an Inquisitor, first appearing in “Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order.”
The Tenth Brother, formerly known as Prosset Dibs, was a member of the Jedi Order and held the rank of Jedi Master. He was later turned into an Inquisitor. Though he survived the Great Jedi Purge, he still was executed due to Order 66 as when he was hunting a Jedi with Darth Vader, Padawan Fenn Barr convinced the Purge Troopers with them to execute Order 66 on the fallen Jedi, killing the Tenth Brother.
Technically, the Tenth Brother died because of Order 66, but he survived the initial Purge, so he is included on this list with a caveat.
It is unknown exactly how many Inquisitors there were, but there were as many as 12.
Luminara Unduli

Jedi Master Luminara Unduli was on Kashyyyk with Master Yoda when Order 66 was initiated. Though she survived at first, she was captured and later executed by the Empire, as revealed in “Rebels,” when the Ghost crew discovers that her remains are being used to lure surviving Jedi as a trap.
Kirak Infil’a
A Jedi Master, at the time of the Purge, Kirak Infil’a was not an active member the Jedi Order because he had taken a barash vow as penance, allowing him to escape execution. As depicted in the canon comic book “Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith 3,” Darth Vader hunted him down and killed him after the Purge.
Cal Kestis

The protagonist of the canon videogame “Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order” was a Padawan to Jedi Master Jaro Tapal during the Clone Wars. When Order 66 was initiated, Cal Kestis was aboard a Republic cruiser, where the clone troopers of 13th Battalion attacked Kestis and Tapal.
While Tapal fought and damaged the ship, Kestis snuck through the maintenance passages to reach the escape pods. Kestis was able to survive due to his master sacrificing himself. Later, Kestis went into hiding on Bracca, keeping his master’s lightsaber.
Selrahc Eluos
Selrahc Eluos was on the Inquisitors’ list of confirmed survivors of Order 66. The only mention of him is in the comic book “Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith 19” when the list is shown. It is currently unknown exactly how he survived or what he does after Order 66.
“This is a list of the surviving Jedi. Others may remain, but of these we are certain. Unfortunately … they have hidden themselves extremely well.”
―The Grand Inquisitor, a former Jedi Temple Guard
Kanan Jarrus

Born as Caleb Dume, Kanan Jarrus was one of the main characters of “Rebels.” Depicted in the canon comic “Kanan 2,” Jarrus survived Order 66 because his master, Depa Billaba sacrificed herself so Jarrus could escape the clone trooper battalion they had led. Jarrus remained on Kaller for some time after that. He later joined the Ghost crew and was with them during the events depicted in “Rebels.”
Ka-Moon Kholi
As shown in a list in the comic book “Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith 19,” Ka-Moon Kholi was confirmed by the Empire to have survived Order 66. It is unknown currently how Kholi survived.
Coleman Kcaj
It is currently unknown exactly how he survived, but Jedi Master Coleman Kcaj survived the Purge, as shown by being on the Inquisitorius’ list of confirmed survivors.
Oppo Rancisis
Currently it is unknown how Jedi Master Oppo Rancisis survived the Purge or what he’s doing after Order 66, but he is on the Inquisitors’ list of known survivors.
Cere Junda

A Jedi Knight and Seeker, Cere Junda was the master of Trilla Suduri during the Clone Wars and later Cal Kestis during the reign of the Empire. When Order 66 was implemented, Junda and Suduri were able to escape their clone troopers and go into hiding with several Jedi younglings.
Junda was captured and then tortured until she gave up Suduri’s location. Suduri was captured and turned into an Inquisitor. When seeing her former Padawan as an Inquisitor, Junda became incredibly angry and tapped into the dark side of the Force, killing everyone but Suduri, then she escaped. She then suppressed her connection to the Force and later became a part of the crew of the Mantis.
Obi-Wan Kenobi

As depicted in “Revenge of the Sith,” Obi-Wan Kenobi was on Utapau after defeating General Grevious, when his clone troopers received Order 66 and then proceeded to attack him, which Kenobi survived. He later went on to battle and defeat his Padawan Anakin Skywalker and he then went into exile on Tatooine.

Jedi Master Yoda was on Kashyyyk when Paplatine active Order 66. As shown in “Revenge of the Sith,” Yoda is attacked by Clone Commander Gree and another unidentified trooper, both of whom Yoda decapitates.
Yoda escapes the planet, meets with Kenobi and Senator Bail Organa and he later duels against Palpatine, now openly assuming his role as Darth Sidious. After being forced to flee, Yoda went into exile on Dagobah.
Jedi Master Uvell is confirmed to have survived Order 66. He turned to a human antiques dealer to help preserve Jedi artifacts during the reign of the Empire, but not much is known about him.
Ferren Barr
Padawan Ferren Barr went into exile after surviving the initial execution of Order 66. He began investigating how the Purge happened and uncovered the truth, including Darth Vader’s identity. He began recruiting followers and became a secret adviser to the Mon Cala monarchy.
Soon after, Vader and the Inquisitors found Barr, killing most of his followers, though Barr managed to convince the clone troopers with the Inquisitors to attack them under Clone Protocol 66, as the Inquisitors were former Jedi. Vader then kills Barr, but Barr’s Force-sensitive apprentice Verla escapes.
Taron Malicos

Jedi Master Taron Malicos was aboard a ship when Order 66 was initiated. After he killed the troopers and escaped, he then crashed on Dathomir, where he turned to the dark side of the Force. He killed the leader of the Nightbrothers and started to rule their clan as he tried to learn Nightsister magick from Merrin.
Eeth Koth
Jedi Master Eeth Koth was removed from the Jedi Council before Order 66, allowing him to avoid the fate of his fellow Jedi. He became a priest in Church of the Ganthic Enlightenment and had a child. Soon after his child’s birth, Darth Vader found them, where he dueled Koth and killed him and took his child for Project Harvester.
Naq Med
Naq Med was a Padawan who left the Order before the Clone Wars. He had a child, and he was tracked down by the Grand Inquisitor, whom he dueled but he survived. He survived through the Galactic Civil War, when he died peacefully.
Jocasta Nu

It is unclear exactly how Jedi Master Jocasta Nu survived the Purge, but after Order 66 the Jedi Archives’ chief librarian attempted to preserve the Order’s legacy. Nu was later killed by Darth Vader, as depicted in the comic book “Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith 10.”
Zubain Ankonori
Zubian Ankonori appears in the video game “Star Wars: Uprising.” Ankonori survived Order 66 and went into hiding in a Jedi shrine on Anoat with multiple Jedi. The Empire finds them at some point, forcing them to flee. Later they are tracked by an Inquisitor, who duels and then kills Ankonori.
Another character in “Star Wars: Uprising,” Khandra survived Order 66 and went into hiding on Anoat. She twice escaped the Empire when they were found due to the sacrifices of other Jedi, but she was later killed.
A character in “Star Wars: Uprising,” Mususiel survived Order 66 and hid on Anoat. When first discovered she stayed behind to buy time for her allies and was slain by an Inquisitor.
Appearing in “Star Wars: Uprising,” Nuhj was a Jedi who survived Order 66 and hid in a Jedi shrine on Anoat. Nuhj escaped the Empire but was later tracked down and slain by an Inquisitor.

First appearing in “The Phantom Menance,” Maul was a Dathomirian Zabrak male who was the first apprentice to the Sith Lord Darth Sidious, publicly known as Sheev Palpatine, the supreme chancellor of the Galactic Republic.
Though never a Jedi or ever someone who used the light side of the Force, Maul was targeted for execution by Order 66. After the Siege of Mandalore and Maul’s capture by a joint effort of Manadalorians led by Bo-Katan Kryze and Republic troops advised by Ahsoka Tano and led by recently promoted Clone Commander Rex, Maul was captured.
Brought onto a Republic cruiser after being imprisoned in Mandalorian technology designed to restrained Force users, Maul’s execution was order by Rex after Order 66 was initiated. Maul escaped his imprisonment by being freed by Ahsoka Tano, who used him to cause a distraction.
Maul escaped the ship after destroying its hyperdrive and causing it to crash into a moon; he stole a shuttle and flew away. He later appeared in “Rebels.”
Ahsoka Tano

At the time of that Order 66 was executed, Ahsoka Tano was no longer a member of the Jedi Order, but she was targeted for execution anyway.
Ahsoka was able to survive against a cruiser full of clone troopers by using her training and strategizing for a hard-won, heartfelt victory as the soldiers she saw as friends betrayed her.
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