Obi-Wan Kenobi, the Jedi master who is a prominent characters from the “Star Wars” franchise is known for being noble. He is known for carrying a blue lightsaber, but there is one canonical instance of Obi-Wan using a red lightsaber.
In the season four finale of the 2008 animated series “Star Wars: The Clone Wars,” titled “Revenge,” Maul and Savage Opress overpower Kenobi and take his lightsaber.
Kenobi, who went to face Maul alone, has an unlikely ally who helps him: Asajj Ventress.
Once Maul and Opress return to confront them, Ventress hands Kenobi one of her lighstabers.
Asajj Ventress: I want that back.
Obi-Wan Kenobi: That’s fine. Red’s not my color.
It doesn’t last long, but Kenobi uses a red lightsaber to fight alongside Ventress against Maul and Opress.
Ventress does get her lightsaber back, and Kenobi also takes his own back from Maul.
As Obi-Wan expressed to Ventress, blue suits him better.
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