Here’s a breakdown of the members of the Jedi-hunting organization

The Inquisitors were former members of the Jedi Order who survived Order 66 and were then turned to the dark side by Emperor Sheev Palptaine to become Jedi hunters. They were used to find and kill survivors of the initial wave of the Great Jedi Purge.
Currently in “Star Wars” canon there are as many as 12 different Inquisitors who have appeared in various media. Here are all the Inquisitors who have been depicted in canonical “Star Wars” media as of July 17, 2020.
“The Inquisitorius. A project of mine, long planned. Slaves to the light side once, now awake. Hunters, one and all.”
“What do they hunt?”
“Why, Jedi, of course.”
Darth Sidious and Darth Vader, from the comic book “Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith 6”
Unidentified Inquisitors
Two unidentified Inquisitors, a red-skinned female and a male Twi’lek, first appear in the comic book “Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith 19” as they join Darth Vader to hunt former Jedi Master Eeth Koth.
In the game “Star Wars: Uprising” there is an Inquisitor who is sent to Anoat to hunt Jedi survivors. It is unclear if this Inquisitor is a different character from the already established Inquisitors.
There is an unidentified female Inquisitor who took a Dathomirian female, Jerserra, as an apprentice, first shown in the 2017 book “Ghosts of Dathomir.” This Inquisitor is definitely a new character as the events depicted in the book don’t match with the other female Inquisitors.
As members of the Inquisitorius, they were former members of the Jedi Order who survived Order 66 and were then turned to the dark side and servants of the Empire. Not much is known about them, as even their Inquisitor titles are unknown, and nothing is known about their previous identities or positions in the Jedi Order.
Tenth Brother

The Tenth Brother, formerly known as Prosset Dibs, was a member of the Jedi Order and held the rank of Jedi Master. He first appeared in the comic book “Jedi of the Republic — Mace Windu 1.”
During the Clone War, after attempting to kill Jedi Master Mace Windu, Dibs was put on trial, but he avoided the death penalty and was sentenced to rehabilitation. He was later turned into an Inquisitor.
Unlike all other Inquisitors depicted so far in canon, the Tenth Brother uses two single-bladed lightsabers rather than the spinning double-bladed lightsabers
Ninth Sister

The Ninth Sister was a Force-sensitive female Dowutin. She was formerly known as Masana Tide and was a member of the Jedi Order who survived Order 66. She was isolated and tortured until she cracked and turned to the dark side, later becoming a part of the Inquisitorius.
She first appeared in the comic book “Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith 6” and was first identified as Masana Tide in “Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith 16.” She later appears in the video game “Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order” as one of the Inquisitors hunting Cal Kestis.
Eighth Brother

The Eighth Brother was a Terrelian Jango Jumper male who was member of the Jedi Order who survived Order 66. His original name and position in the Order is unknown. He first appeared in “Star Wars: Rebels”
Seventh Sister

The Seventh Sister was a female Mirialan who was a member of the Jedi Order and a survivor of Order 66. Her original name and position in the Order are currently unknown.
She first appeared in the second season of “Star Wars: Rebels” and was tasked with tracking down Ahsoka Tano. She wished to replace the Grand Inquisitor as the leader of the Inquisitorius.
Sixth Brother

The Sixth Brother was formerly known as Bil Valen and was a member of the Jedi Order who survived Order 66. He was then turned to the dark side and became an Inquisitor.
He first appeared in the novel “Ahsoka” and appeared in multiple issues of the comic book series “Star Wars: Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith” where he was first pictured and identified as Bil Valen.
Fifth Brother

Not much is known about the Fifth Brother. As an Inquisitor, he formerly a member of the Jedi Order who survived Order 66 and then was inducted into the Inquisitorius agency. He first appears in the second season of “Rebels.”
His design was based on unused artwork for “The Force Awakens.”
Second Sister

The Second Sister, Trilla Suduri, trained as a Jedi during the Clone Wars under Jedi Knight Cere Junda. She and Junda managed to hide during Order 66, but Junda was later captured and then tortured into giving up Suduri’s location. Suduri was turned to the dark side and became an Inquisitor, first appearing in the comic book “Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith 19.” She was first identified as Trilla Suduri in the video game “Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order.”
The Grand Inquisitor

First appearing in “Star Wars: Rebels,” The Grand Inquisitor served as a member of the Jedi Order. The Force-sensitive Pua’an was formerly a Jedi Temple Guard.
He was one of the guards seen at Ahsoka Tano’s trial before Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine. The trial, in which Tano was framed, led to the future Grand Inquisitor losing faith in the Jedi. Palpatine then turned him to the dark side, and he later became the leader of the Inquisitors.
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