Quora spaces are a good addition to the site but have a lot of room for improvement. I’ve recently created my first space, so I’ve been tweaking its settings and I’ve got a pretty good overview of what I like and what could be improved.
The good
Spaces can be an easy way to find great but unpopular writers if they have answers shared and they can help individual writers grow their follower base. With the announcement that spaces will be monetized, it may give even more incentive to create and join spaces.
As spaces are often run by only a small group of people, the ability to allow content submissions without being a contributor can be a great way for space moderators to be introduced to content they don’t see on their own, even though it may be a hassle for the moderation of popular spaces who get a lot spam.
As an owner of a space, the settings are straightforward and easy to change, and as a follower, they are relatively simple to navigate.
What could be improved
Spaces lack a lot of customization capabilities which could really let admins make better experiences for their followers. Being able to change an individual space’s layout, for example, would be a great feature.
With the new queue feature, there’s seems to be no way to individually change the posting order for queues, meaning that the order of what gets posted in the queue is determined by when it’s added.
The ability to search within a Space could be useful for both the administration and for followers/potential followers to find content they are specifically looking for.
There are likely many more aspects which could be improved, mostly to do with customization and layout, but those are the main areas I’ve noticed.
Overall, Spaces have been a good addition to Quora, but they definitely lack many features that could improve them for both the administrators and the followers.
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