‘Attack on Titan’ vs. ‘Claymore’

It’s an interesting thought experiment: if a character from one franchise were to fight a character from a different fictional universe, who would win?
In this case, the combatants are both humanoid, yet both feared by humans. One group, the giant Titans from the manga and anime “Attack on Titan” eat humans, while the other, from the manga and anime “Claymore,” protect humanity.
So, who would win? The warrior-women known as Claymores, or the human-devouring Titans?
The warrior women known as Claymores from the manga and its anime adaption “Claymore” would absolutely destroy the Titans from “Attack on Titan” with little effort. As I’ve only seen the anime versions of both, I will only reference those (including spoilers).
Claymores, also known as “silver-eyed witches” are women who have been implanted with the flesh of monsters known as Yoma, giving them superhuman abilities. Throughout the anime, these women are shown to have, among other abilities, superhuman speed, strength, durability and healing. They also carry heavy, highly durable double-edge swords.

The Titans in “Attack on Titan” are giant, human-eating humanoids. They vary in size and speed and have incredible regenerative abilities. One of the only ways to kill a Titan is by slicing the nape of their neck. A strike anywhere but there can be regenerated in a short amount of time, including entire limbs. There are different types of Titans, with the majority being Pure Titans, these beings are mindless and seek out nearby humans to devour. Abnormal Titans are often more intelligent, using strategy to go to more important locations.

To fight Titans, the humans use omni-directional mobility gear, which allows them use grappling hooks to get to the heights of Titan’s necks to hit their weak spot with specialized blades.
The humans in “Attack on Titan” are, for the most part, normal humans, the ones who fight Titans are highly trained and are physically capable warriors.
The Claymores would be able to defeat Titans without the use of ODM gear, as they have been shown to be able to jump enormous heights and to move so fast that humans are unable to see them. Unlike the blades used in “Attack on Titan,” the Claymores’ blades wouldn’t wear out, and they could continue slaying Titans much longer.
Pure Titans, while having great strength, would not stand a chance against most, if any of the Claymores. Abnormal Titans may be smarter and display abnormal behavior, but they too would fall easily to Claymores as the warrior women are too fast and strong. The only advantage Titans would have could be their numbers, but even that would likely not do much to help.
Where the Claymores may have trouble is with the Nine Titans. These Titans are humans who can transform into Titan form at will, keeping their intelligence, and they are also able to control their Titan abilities at will, such as targeted regeneration.
Of the Nine Titans so far seen through season three of “Attack on Titan,” even these powerful beings would fall to the Claymores. The two who would seemingly give them the most trouble are the Armored Titan and Female Titan with their skin-hardening abilities, as three Claymores fought a Yoma with an armored body and they had difficulty piercing his skin.

The Armored Titan notably has weak spots which the Claymores could easily exploit to defeat him, while the Female Titan hasn’t been shown to harden her entire body, making it much easier for the Claymores to defeat her.
The silver-eyed witches defeat the Titans in nearly every scenario.
“Claymore” can currently be watched on Funimation for free.
“Attack on Titan” can currently be viewed on Funimation, Crunchyroll and VRV for free.
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